Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ang Thong Death Trip

It is astounding to me that in the few days it has been since I last wrote here, what feels like a lifetime of adventure has taken place.  The ceaseless excitement of traveling does not disappoint.  The most remarkable experience thus far would certainly have to be the boat trip from hell to Ang Thong marine park.  It is not entirely fair for me to call it a boat trip from hell because I was absolutely exhilarated by the immediate danger of riding a small speed boat into a storm.  What started as light drizzle soon became a heavy rain fall and the water was turbulent to say the absolute least.  As I looked across at Marcelle--clearly scared completely and utterly shitless--I couldn't help but smile.  Not happy to see Marcelle suffer, but happy that we even had the opportunity to experience something as crazy as this boat trip together.  We were graciously rewarded for our dangerous journey by the some of the most stunning views I have seen in my 23 years of life.  I simply am not gifted enough with the English language to impart the beauty of the things that I saw and I have no desire to try.  Anyone and everyone that has the opportunity simply must go for themselves.  I leave you now, loyal blog readers.  I have not taken the time to fully form my thoughts, so I am praying that a day on the beach with a notebook will open up the gates.  Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you kitten! Post more!
    And stay away from those dragons...

    And I loved my present!!
