Friday, January 28, 2011

Same Same but Different

As I predicted I am complete shit at keeping up with this blog.  So it goes.  It's hard to do anything here in the land of excess, "no drugs or illegal activities" plastered to the wall of every establishment.  Old white dudes parading around with young, beautiful Thai women; drunk Australians beating their fists on a makeshift bar in the street.  Chiang Mai is certainly different than the south, but debauchery is alive and well, my friends.  Marcelle and I have turned inward, happy in our own bubble of self awareness, letting the reality of our new lives wash over us fully.  An afternoon at Doi Suthep , the most sacred of temples in Chiang Mai, really hit home.  As we sat and discussed the 'whys' and 'whats' of life, Marcelle and I became simultaneously aware of everything, one of those moments where you just kind of forget yourself and just are.  I was mesmerized by the endless stream of devotees, circling the giant gold pagoda with flowers clasped perfectly in their praying hands, whispering prayers under their breath.  Marcelle and I laughed to see a monk take a photo with his cell phone camera, tattoos littering his body.  Still, Doi Suthep felt a bit like Disney with all the white folk milling around, looking for the best angle with their huge, expensive cameras.  The remedy to this Disney effect lies down a random side street in the Old City of Chiang Mai.  A wat that Marcelle and I stumbled into haphazardly just as a ceremony was beginning.  The wat itself was spectacular, a three parter with all the gold and shimmering fixings, complemented by a dilapidated stone temple that had collapsed during a terrible storm hundreds of years prior.  As we were making our circle around the temple, we heard chanting begin.  I was so excited at the sound of it.  We wandered to the front of the temple cautiously, knowing we weren't dressed appropriately to enter.  Lucky for us giant black coats sat at the front door, inviting us in.  Being in this temple with the monks chanting so perfectly--I get goosebumps just thinking about it.  I won't go so far as to say it was a spiritual moment for me, but shit, it was definitely something.  Like the feeling I got while listening to George Harrison's 'I dig love' on a ferry, looking at everyone's face, so fucking happy to be where they were (how corny, right?  I can't help myself though!).  Of course no day is complete without getting a bit fucked up, and sharing a joint with some cool dudes from California before hitting the sack was more than perfect.  I'll leave with the line I wrote last night before passing out:
"Slightly stoned, listening to Apple Scruffs.  and Fuck."

and fuck, indeed.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two Words: Thai Massage

Yesterday, after a long day of lounging in bed and reading, I decided I had earned a massage.  As many of you know, lounging can be quite tedious and I was experiencing some minor neck pains from straining to lift my head every few hours.  I wandered down the hall with Marcelle and we entered into the small, clean massage parlor called Lolita (naturally).  We striped down and put on the comfy linen smock provided to us and settled in for an hour of fucking awesomeness.  As the skilled women carefully hit each pressure point, I drifted into a state of pure bliss.  Definitely worth all 300 baht it cost me, a pretty steep price when you're traveling.  Koh Tao has been a special place, not just for the epic massage.  After the excess of Koh Phangan, it has been so nice to relax on a quiet island.  Hiking to Tanote bay from our bungalow in Sairee beach was awesome, with cheap snorkeling and secluded, pristine beaches.  We spent the afternoon amongst parrot fish, enjoying curries and pad thai.  I have been enjoying Koh Tao enormously, but I realize the intense amounts of foreigners keeps me from fully realizing that I am indeed on the other side of the world, in Thailand.  To remedy this, Marcelle and I are off to Chiang Mai!  More to come!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ang Thong Death Trip

It is astounding to me that in the few days it has been since I last wrote here, what feels like a lifetime of adventure has taken place.  The ceaseless excitement of traveling does not disappoint.  The most remarkable experience thus far would certainly have to be the boat trip from hell to Ang Thong marine park.  It is not entirely fair for me to call it a boat trip from hell because I was absolutely exhilarated by the immediate danger of riding a small speed boat into a storm.  What started as light drizzle soon became a heavy rain fall and the water was turbulent to say the absolute least.  As I looked across at Marcelle--clearly scared completely and utterly shitless--I couldn't help but smile.  Not happy to see Marcelle suffer, but happy that we even had the opportunity to experience something as crazy as this boat trip together.  We were graciously rewarded for our dangerous journey by the some of the most stunning views I have seen in my 23 years of life.  I simply am not gifted enough with the English language to impart the beauty of the things that I saw and I have no desire to try.  Anyone and everyone that has the opportunity simply must go for themselves.  I leave you now, loyal blog readers.  I have not taken the time to fully form my thoughts, so I am praying that a day on the beach with a notebook will open up the gates.  Until next time!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Awaiting on you all

The feeling of putting on Arcade Fire Sprawl II while driving through lush Thai landscapes.
The effects of drinking three buckets of rum.
The conversations had over authentic Pad Thai.
The sun on my skin.
The kindness of the local people.
The greenest hills I've ever seen.

Smile country.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day One: Komodo Spotting

Today marked the first official, clean, enjoyable day of our journey.  After finally getting our backpacks at 3am last night, I had the most mind blowing, earth bending shower ever.  This shower was on par with the shower I had after three days at a music festival, camping in a pile of dirt.  Just sayin', it fucking ruled.  Needless to say, moods lifted substantially once we were clean and had our shit.  Spicy red curry and a ride into downtown Bangkok were warmly welcomed.  Getting away from the intense tourist scene of Khao San Road was definitely much appreciated.  Khao San feels like a mix of Epcot and hell, I just can't put my finger on it.  Uniquely amazing, to say the least.  I am looking forward to escaping to the beach and just soaking up the sun for a while.  The Full Moon party taking place on the 19th is an added SCHWING!!  As predicted, we have taken an astounding one photo (of a donut in 7-11 of all things), but I hereby solemnly swear on this here blogitty blog blag, that I shall take some photos of all the things I am seeing.  Oh!  And speaking of things I am seeing, we saw a KOMODO DRAGON today.  At least it was a Komodo as far as Marcelle and I are concerned.  Huge ass lizard, creepy snake-like tongue.  All the markings of a goddamn Komodo.  We sat an observed this giant beast in awe, as it was in a park in the middle of the bustling business district of Bangkok.  I may never know what this behemoth was for sure, but it was a sight to see.  What better note to end on than a Komodo Dragon spotting.  I bow out now, until the next time!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Impressions of Bangkok: supah bombity bomb bomb digs.

And so it begins:  no shower, no backpack, no plans, and a lot of neon pink taxis.  I couldn't be more stoked, neon pink is totally my color.  The fact that we still haven't gotten our backpacks is a minor grievance that is easily forgotten by our very first Thai breakfast, an awesome combination of god-only-knows-what.  Pretty sure I broke veg, the first of many times I'm sure.  Marcelle and I are now contemplating our next move and the complete feeling of freedom is not lost on me.  It still blows my mind that we can go wherever and do whatever the hell we want.  Do we want to head north for a bit of culutre or make our way down south to party on the beaches?  Obviously anyone that knows us knows we picked the latter, and so we are off on a bus this evening (hopefully) to the sunny beaches (hopefully) of Ko Pha-ngan (I think).  I have visions of crystal water, mojitos, sex gods with shoulder-length hair, and excellent food.  And the fact that the Cranberries are being played right now is fucking wonderful.  And everything is fucking wonderful.  My life is fucking wonderful.  I am so unbelievably lucky it's dumb.  Updates to come on the regs.